
Welcome to Petsell.com, the free pet classifieds marketplace!
Search our pet classifieds by clicking on a pet below to see the available pets for sale. Looking for a specific pet? Try our advanced pet classifieds search or start placing free pet classifieds today! Place pets for sale ads or pet wanted ads. And please place any and all pet adoption classifieds! There are a ton of free pets, pets for sale, and even free puppies out there, and the more exposure a pet receives, the more likely it is to find a home. *NO new ads are currently being accepted. Please also avoid contacting users with ads already posted, as there have been a number of scams.
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Petsell.com is a free pet classifieds site where buyers and sellers throughout the United States and Canada may their list pets for sale, or place a wanted ad to find a pet. The site acts as a pet finder, or venue for potential buyers and sellers, and does not auction animals or sell pets directly.
As always, there are no fees to list pet classifieds, and no fees to register.
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